Welcome to the Green Heron Farm Riding Program.

In order to make your experience with us as safe and enjoyable as possible, we ask that you read and review the following information.

Every new student at Green Heron, whether they are riding for the first time or have been riding for years, is required to complete an introductory evaluation lesson. This gives the student a chance to see how we teach and lets us assess the rider's skills and needs.

Before a student enters a group class, they must be able to walk, trot, steer and stop. Beginning students will need to take a number of private lessons to master these skills prior to joining a group. Because riding requires both physical and mental skills, we cannot foresee how many lessons will be required for this since each person progresses at their own pace.

Since riding has a lot to do with learning to develop a relationship with a horse, we encourage students to be involved in the pre- and post-ride care of their horse: how to handle, groom, prepare the horse to be ridden, warmed up, cooled down and put away.

We ask that you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled ride time.

Students need to wear long pants and hard-soled boots with heels. Hard hats are mandatory and should be worn while caring for the horse, leading from the ground and when mounted. Because it is important that hard hats fit correctly, and be ATSM/SEI approved, we encourage students to purchase their own helmets. Students who are inappropriately attired will NOT be mounted.

Lessons can either be taken on a pay-as-you-go basis or in pre-paid monthly packages. If you opt for the pre-paid packages, the fee is due at the beginning of each month. If a lesson is cancelled, you have until the end of the next month to make it up.

Cancellation Policy

Please give us as much notice as possible if you need to cancel a lesson. If you don't call and don't come, you will be charged for the lesson. If the stable needs to cancel due to weather or health, we will reschedule at your convenience.

The best time to reach us by phone is between 6:30am and 7:30am or in the evenings between 7pm and 9pm.

Please let your instructor know if there is anything you are concerned about or there is any condition we should be aware of. Also, please feel free to ask clarifying questions or ask for an instruction to be repeated if you didn't hear or understand it. It's ok to ask questions.


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Website created and maintained by of Woodstock, NY