An estimated 40 million people worldwide telecommute to their jobs and
millions more would love to give it a try. Telecommuting for Dummies gives
both telecommuters and aspiring telecommuters the tools they need to succeed
at their careers while working away from the office.
This comprehensive, easy-to-read guide covers everything from finding a
telecommuting job to setting up an efficient home office, from dealing with
child care to staying on the office grapevine. It's filled with profiles of
working telecommuters who share their secrets, and tips on everything from to
creating a cost-benefit analysis that will sell your boss on telecommuting to
dealing with workday interruptions.
To find out more about Telecommuting for Dummies, and to read a sample
chapter, Click here!
Get your copy of Telecommuting for Dummies by Minda Zetlin online at these fine retail establishments:
Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com, and other online stores!